Sensory Kids can provide a consultation to the entire team working with a child at school (i.e., teacher, aide, special education advisor, therapists, etc.).

The focus of the school consultation is on developing therapeutic strategies and sensory diets, in tandem with the team, to establish a treatment program that minimizes the disruption of the child’s existing classroom schedule to maximize learning and compliance by both the child and the team.  Before going to a school, your teacher or therapist at school will be called. Procedures will be clarified so that everyone is on the same page. We believe that a good relationship is the foundation of a successful consultation.

Each consultation is custom tailored for each child’s specific needs, the particular classroom situation, and the child’s team (i.e., sometimes activities involving the entire classroom are more appropriate than one-on-one attention).

School consultations can also be provided to educate school staff in general about how sensory-integration dysfunction can present in the classroom, how to identify it, and strategies that are helpful for these children as well as the entire class.